Sunday, January 14, 2007

Your Default State of Mind, In Business and In Life

What is your default state of mind? Where does your mind go when it is not directed by an outside force? What program starts running if you don't decide?

I think that's a good point to be aware of. Since we create with our thoughts and associated feelings (or vice versa depending which is the chicken and which is the egg) it is extremely important that we know which tape is running in our head, most often, if we have not directed our thoughts.

Not that we have to pay much attention to it once we become aware. At least, the sooner we can move on to a CHOSEN line of thought, associated with our desired results, the better.

That is, if we know what we want. My experience is, whenever I think I know what I want, or am hearing from another what he/she knows what he/she wants, in any communication, another detail or few gets realized or re-clarified. So communication is good.

I have also discovered lately that the act of speaking out loud to oneself, if one has no one else at the time to speak to, is more creative than thinking. It links the hemispheres of the brain and that's supposed to be a good thing.

So if you have goals and dreams related to prosperity and success in business, do a periodic review of what your default state of mind is.

Are you still enthusiastic? Can you still feel that first feeling of interest you had when you thought "Wow, I could DO this!" If not, recall that feeling right now. Let it get big.

Let it take over! All your logic, study items, lists of things to do and things you need to learn about will all be there in a while. Jump up and down a little. Metabolize at the rate of your enthusiasm. Your body will know you mean it and be able to feed it back to you better, with the right brain chemicals to re-create that enthusiasm again.

Just noticing, just feeling what you're feeling, giving yourself a moment of your time, will feed your intention to succeed. And it may save you a lot of time, money, energy and wear-and-tear on your health. Because taking a moment for that means taking a moment to feed your dreams - your life!

I had a wonderful PEACEFUL weekend in the country. It reminded me of why I am working so hard! The pipes froze and we had no running water and we didn't care.....

Here's to a great week for all.


1 comment:

Stephen Irwin said...

Hi Dianne,

I found your blog from the recent article posting on Holly Mann's forum. Just called to say hello.

I've added your article to my home publishing blog, with full credits of course!
