Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Learn Positive Thinking Self Talk

The continuing phenomenon of successful vampire themes in books, television and films, is amazing. A lot of mind power goes into the vampires being "good guys" who don't bite humans.

Their psychic powers enable them to blend into society, manifest abundance and prosperity, and exert their mind control over innocent humanity.

Fascination of the super natural could probably be interpreted by psychologists as our own human feeling of helplessness before the tide of events in this world. We feel have no power over events or our own responses to them.

Yet you certainly can use subconcious mind reprogramming to choose your feelings.

Recently, I found myself driving behind an SUV which had a license plate "I MK BLEV".


There's a person using mind reprogramming!

Apparently the human mind is suggestible to an alarming degree. Altered states can be influenced by elevator music, white noise, running water noises, subliminal messages or frequencies designed to change our brain waves, and more.

Reprogram your own mind yourself

Use the Money Beyond Belief EFT Tapping to:

  • find your best positive self talk affirmations
  • learn vivid visualization
  • choose your feelings
  • break bad habits
  • understand SMR, subconcious mind reprogramming

It is never too late to start - you always have right now!

Learn Brad Yates EFT Tapping

Edited 06/24/2015

Positive Self Talk Handouts - Your Own!

Being aware of our thoughts and how they create our life - is part of recognizing our psychic powers. Learning how to write your own positive self talk handouts will change your life direction.

Yet, if you are a nervous person with lots of anxiety, how do you stay open to everything in order to be creative?

The topic of mind control can bring up both positive or negative emotions.

Advertising uses information about human psychology in order to get us to buy products. That is mind control, and we are bombarded all day long, if we listen to the media.

Trained sales people learn techniques to create rapport with us, which means sharing a mental atmosphere. This technique makes us feel comfortable with the sales person and more willing to buy.

These factors could make people feel paranoid about how they are influenced.

Develop your own positive self talk quotes. 

You can learn this, like you can learn anything else.

After all, if you can make your own positive self talk examples, you are in control and in charge. Good bye feeling suggestible at the hands of others.

Many people want to improve their abilities at work. There are the obvious rewards for this, including making more money.

Also, deep personal fulfillment and peace of mind usually result when a person knows he/she is doing their best with confidence.

Using your your own positive self talk examples to improve personal relationships is a possibility too. Not to practice mind control on others, but on yourself.

Learning the factors involved and how to practice your own mind power is the key.

Get your instant access to  Brad Yates EFT Tapping. It's like having a daily refreshment of positive self talk handouts.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Points

Learn the healing power of the mind the best way!

 Learning the emotional freedom technique tapping points is easy.

Can you maintain positive emotions at the end of a day when so many things went wrong?

  • disappointments
  • disagreements
  • fatigue
  • stress and anxiety
  • negative emotions in others
  • the bad economy

All these elements can certainly ruin your day. Take a deep breath and start remembering the good moments.

Positive emotions are the signals from you that attract similar circumstances back into your life. Some days are certainly more challenging than others when it comes to maintaining a positive outlook.

Considering that billions of others are also struggling to maintain a good life on the same competitive turf that you are, it might seem that conflicts and frustrations are inevitable.

The good news is, that this factor is an illusion. Creating good in your life does not rob anyone else, or vice-versa.

When you look back on your day and it feels like it an obstacle course, here is something easy to do about it. It only takes a few minutes, so do it right away when you get home. You'll have better digestion afterwards and probably sleep better too.

Just sit down and remember something wonderful. Or recapture the feeling of something that caused you to feel fulfilled to any degree, while you are taking a walk, or cooking dinner.

Recall a good memory. Simple as that.

Visit it until you feel the wonderful feeling you had. Recapture the feelings in it, hear some of its sounds, or visualize it.

Think of breathing that memory into your body cells and let your muscles relax. Soak it in like warm sunlight.

Easier said than done?

Get your copy of the emotional freedom technique tapping points system!

The package is called "Money Beyond Belief" - but it's about much more than money!

Youtube - Brad Yates explains eft tapping.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Your Power of Daydreaming

Here you are again, your own life coach. Good for you! Let your dreams turn you away from failure, doubt, worries, stress, and dissatisfied emotion. Envision your dreams with the power of daydreaming. Not so much self-improvement as self-empowerment, daydreaming for a few minutes a day can bring you to a vibrant enthusiasm.

When I was a kid, daydreaming was bad. I should always have been doing something, so it seemed.

But, it wasn't my parents' fault that they didn't know about envisioning, and The Law of Attraction.

When I went to church, I heard about how you reap what you sow. Unfortunately, it was always mentioned in a negative context. If you gossiped, you reaped gossip about yourself. If you cheated people, you would be cheated. True enough, yet this same principal was not expressed in the light of positive attitudes.

One way that you can honor yourself and signal to the universe that you deserve abundance and prosperity, is to give yourself some daydreaming time.

Give yourself some fulfilling moments every day. Daydream about your desired outcomes. This is deliberate creation.

Do you feel vibrant (vibrating) enthusiasm when you daydream about what you really want to create as a better reality for you and your loved ones?

Daydreaming is a more relaxed focus than meditation, but it is productive. It creates ideas for you in an easy manner.

In trying to change or improve your life direction, set some easy goals. Just start with an intention to move toward a goal.

Action may not follow immediately, but by changing your vibration with the intention you decide on, energy will start moving.

Be aware of every success, no matter how small. If you have decided to get up a quarter hour earlier for some quiet time, and you are fulfilling that, count it as a success.

Your conscious decisions change your energy and your vibration. This is deliberate creation. Your life, your business, your power to attract abundance, (including money) has started to improve. Envision your dreams with the power of your daydreaming.

If you want some guidance, a lot is available for you. Turn on your Success Switch.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Improve Deliberate Creation With Your Own Mind Power

The Law of Attraction is working for you every second of every moment. Don't you wish it would stop when you were vibrating negative emotions? That it would just tune out when you are feeling poor and miserable?. I know you want to get the most out of your deliberate creation of a rich mind life strategy. You want ALL your active thought processes to maintain positive emotions. The good news is, you do not have to be perfect at this manifesting process.

The law of the universe is, you get what you put out. Would you believe that you do not have to do this perfectly? Would you believe that this is a good life and if the majority of your vibrational output is positive that you can attract abundance, love, peace and prosperity?

Maintaining positive emotions one hundred percent of every day is certainly not what life on this planet is all about. Even on the best days, little annoyances - at least - let's say - little annoying responses on your part, may keep interrupting your uplifted moods.

Since you now practice deliberate creation, all you need to do is get back to that productive vibration as quickly as possible.

There is much in life that you have control over. For one example, if traffic in the morning really gets to you, leave home ten minutes earlier. Then you do not have to care what happens with traffic.

Without horribly over simplifying life events, take stock of the things you have control over, and get organized, if need be, and keep most of it the way you want it.

The events created by the other six billion reality creators on the planet may collide with you in unpleasant or even tragic ways. As difficult as that can be sometimes, it is our responses that bring us bad/good emotion, not the events themselves.

Always try to get some quiet time by yourself or with a supportive loving person, to disentangle yourself from the emotions of a major event. Stay connected to your personal response, but step back from the drama.

On a day to day "normal" event arena, how or when can you find the time to remind yourself of your deliberate creation? Or your rich mind life strategy? How are your active thought processes vibrating? If you can turn your Success Switch on, it is a lot easier to retain a positive attitude.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Maintaining Positive Emotions

Manifesting and creating goes on every day. You do it, always. So do six billion other people, and you're all in the same blender. How do you unleash your potential self in that? How do you turn on your Success Switch?

Unleash your potential to feel good. How do you do that? Does your inner giant remind you when you forget? Or is that left for your powerful affirmations and your belief system to duke it out?

Do you pay for success coaching or is this it - reading information on line? I happen to think there is excellent information on line on how to let go of negative emotions. How? By returning your focus to positive emotions, again and again any way you can. Use affirmations, music, alpha wave sounds, high intensity weight training (learn how properly).

There are many useful systems in place to help you maintain positive emotions.

For some it's going to church and praying. That quiet time is private and uninterrupted. For others it is walking in nature and listening to the sounds around them. And appreciating all of it.

For others it is walking down a crowded and noisy street and enjoying the stimulus and high activity. Isn't having choices wonderful? Whatever you are doing, you have made a choice. Exercise gratitude for that choice and you have an abundance of positive emotions, instantly. Dr. Christiane Norththrup says that when you feel a deep feeling of unconditional "mmmmm" with something, your heart issues forth chemicals that influence your whole body in a healing way, even your brain!

Enhance your life coaching, business coaching, whatever studies, with an idea that you are going to focus on positive emotions as much as possible. Not necessarily easy at first, but start where you are by appreciating as much as possible about where you are. Get a little "mmmmm" in that appreciation.

Also. beware of terms like self help, personal development, self improvement, achievement. Why? It's built into these concepts that there is something wrong with you. This could enforce low self esteem, shame-based self evaluation and other destructive and lonely thinking.

However, you can think of these terms in the light of a transformation. "I have been _________(negative idea) but now I am moving toward ______________." This way you can transition to some creative thinking, and if you have changed your thinking, you have manifested a miracle right there. It's all on the inside.

Think differently to start feeling happier emotions. Get help from some of the excellent coaching programs that abound on the internet. Maintaining positive emotions means the outer details do not matter. Emotion, vibration, frequency, are all part of your Success Switch. Get it turned on!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mind Reprogramming

Attracting abundance involves ways to increase your spiritual connection with - you. Reaching beyond financial security - breathing, walking, swimming, or gazing out a window are accessible ways to mind reprogramming. Spiritual rejuvenation is accelerating for you already.

So hurry up and slow down. Get a grip and let go! Isn't life just contrary and contradictory. You work the hours needed to earn more money. You don't have time to do power affirmations every day.

Keep up those earning hours, yet contemplate inner success as well. Pick your favorite spot in the place where you live, to sit and begin a plan. (Grab some paper and writing instrument, or open a document, if you are at your computer.) It does not have to be your plan. Since you can only start where you are, what is it like where you are? Right now, this minute. Do you like your spot that you picked to sit at, or would you like to change it? If so, scribble yourself a note about that.

You do not need to necessarily slow down or get quiet to calm your mind. If you can focus your attention on feelings of abundance (exhilaration, passionate appreciation and such) while cleaning out the garage to loud rock music, that is great.

In fact, the more daily tasks that you can do with a feeling of anticipating the abundance and prosperity you think you lack, the better. It is keeping that vibration of having the stuff you want (I say stuff, since everyone's list is vastly different) going that is the key to attracting what your dearly want into your life.

Spirit is always connected to you. You are it. If there is a feeling of disconnection from spiritual energy, love, peace and such qualities, what is that feeling? Depression? Anxiety? If it is at a degree that doesn't stop you from functioning, call it what you want. (If you are suffering terribly, get professional help and don't waste time). Or don't call it anything, just get to a favorite spot or favorite activity where "THIS is what life is about!" vibrates. There it is. Right there.

Get the right guidance if you want to know how to do mind reprogramming.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Easy to Feel Poor and Miserable - Fix It!

Through personal growth you may arrive at a self-awareness that temporarily makes you feel poor and miserable. Keep your motivation and look back at the successful goal setting that got you living consciously. Self improvement evokes reflection on things you don't want. Yet negative emotions have value. They inspire further commitment to you improving your well being.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following:

*** happy relationships
*** satisfying work
*** good food
*** restful sleep
*** regular fun
*** freedom from addictions
*** compassion for others without the "fix everybody" syndrome

Those are general qualities of life attainable by many people. Conscious living, conscious eating, and sharing your better self with others are realistic goals by which to improve your life.

However, if you are seriously into self improvement, there is a basic premise here that in and of itself can create self-sabotage. "Self-improvement" may not be the most productive viewpoint for you.

***I am not good enough. There is something about me (or many things) that need to be fixed. So is the focus necessarily self improvement, or is the improvement related to turning your attention to what you really want and deserve?

The best thing, I think, about using The Law of Attraction is that you give up the "I need fixing" part. You spend some time each day focusing and vibration with (or closer to) what it is you want, and you do not get into fixing yourself.

And the main thing is, allowing goodness to come to you. You have to vibrate with I AM GOOD ENOUGH for the good things.

You get what you put out, so you cannot be putting out that you need fixing. So there is a trap in all of this if you do not recognize it. Just know that it is there, and do your deliberate creation.

Since money is such an esteemed measure of self worth, failure to attract money can feel like - failure! If, in your subconscious thoughts you do not approve or even like yourself, vibrating with abundance is difficult. It feels fake to try.

Use the power of affirmations, meditate, daydream, and get away from feeling poor and miserable.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Brad Yates Tapping Into Manifestation

Brad Yates is a leader in the community of  emotional freedom technique practioners.

Sometimes a whole lifestyle change is needed to improve your vibration. If you are feeling negative emotions a lot of the time, then you need to get into a positive attitude.

To change your life direction and to learn to feel more positive emotions, you need a plan.

Abundance and prosperity will reflect your spiritual wealth.

So why do I recommend "Money Beyond Belief" using tapping for manifestation of wealth?

It's not really about money. It's about your vibration.

How do you assess your vibration? What is your starting point, in planning to use the emotional freedom technique tapping points?

It's a given that we need to increase our positive emotions if we want more out of life. If this seems like a difficult task, let's make it easier.

Not everyone articulates their emotions, even to themselves. Yet how you feel is how you vibrate, and that is what you are going to attract, vibration-wise.

So what makes you feel better?

  • favorite music?
  • attention from your partner?
  • hearing your kids laugh?
  • putting money in the bank?
  • walking in nature?

Basically, whatever makes you feel positive emotions, or enables you to envision and feel the outcome of your goals in life, is something you want to increase thinking about.

Sometimes you feel down and are entertaining a less than positive attitude and you are not conscious of it!

You define wealth, success, and fulfillment for yourself as an individual.

Focusing attention on your dreams and then not allowing the outcome into your experience seems to be a major human weakness. You may be living with attitudes you adopted from parents or other role models. So now, you need to get with your own program. And, this may blossom for you gradually.

If you need help to get started, or to stay on a reality creation to improve your high vibration every day, get your own instant access to the Brad Yates tapping into manifestation package. 

It's your DIY positive attitude program that guide you toward your prosperity fulfillment.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Inner Self Knows How To Attract Money

It is discouraging if you have been applying the Law of Attraction for a year or two, and despite other successes, you fail to attract money. If you accept or are willing to consider that the Higher Self knows the secrets to attracting money, then you need to have a plan to access a metaphysical or spiritual realm in order to make contact, or get power from your Higher Self.

Many publishers of Law of Attraction courses claim to have the "one secret" of how to make it truly work. A missing ingredient that they, only, have, is always a good hook.

The essence of attracting seems to be an elusive quality of - something - that we don't have, or don't know about. Hmmmm.

I don't believe that there is another secret that we are not privy to. I do believe that there are many Law of Attraction courses available that are most likely all good. I haven't seen all of them, but the reason why I think they are all helpful, is because they all get you to focus on what you want. Then they guide you to keep deliberately creating by certain affirmations or habits.

It makes sense that if you get what you focus on, focus on what you want. This looks like simple behavior modification. You keep your attention returning to what you want and you are going to feel good.

The realities for most of us is that we need a lifestyle change to trigger personal growth. We need a plan! We need some time every day to devote to this.

Meditation can help with contacting our Inner Self, or Higher Self. I believe that our everyday self is quite adequate to propel us into manifesting abundance and other wonderful aspects of life. Calling ourselves something motivational is okay, although it is the Same Ol' Self that we bring to a manifesting course or a manifesting process. We are good enough. Don't be intimidated bu these terms.

Accessing a different ability to remain in a positive thinking mode is a realistic goal. This can be so amazing when it happens that we do feel like a different self. Conscious creation can improve healthy living, self-appreciation, and a feeling of gratitude. The vibration of attracting money can then be set into motion.

If you feel like you fail to attract money, invest in a program so you know HOW TO ATTRACT MONEY.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Spiritual Nature of Prosperity and Abundance

So what does manifesting wealth mean? If The Law of Attraction is truly a Law, and we don't have what we want, how can we be so inside-out, upside down and opposite to our true self?

You know something has to change. Deliberate creation has been described as 'decide what you really want, think about it until you can feel what it's like to have it now, in the present, and as a result, vibrate with the feeling of having it'. Sounds simple.
Practising this twice a day could take up to five to fifteen minutes, let's say. That leaves almost all the time you usually have to do everything else. But during that majority of your time, do you have to think about the spiritual moments of deliberate creation? Do you retain the vibration you created, throughout a difficult work day? Probably not.

Success Switch may have the answer of what would ultimately work for you. There are many versions of manifesting courses available. Some say they are all self-hypnosis, or just tricking yourself into feeling a more positive vibration. Honestly, who cares. We are bombarded with hypnotism all day long. It's called advertising. It's on the radio, on the bus, in the subway, on the sidebars of your web pages. Your own chosen hypnosis has to be better!

Prosperity and abundance created with the Law of Attraction may be a science. It may be of a spiritual nature. If it in any way calls to you, and your imagination needs a boost, try this manifesting course.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Positive Thinking Success - Make Life Better

The Law of Attraction works for us if we know how to give up resistance (negative emotions) and focus on positive emotions. One of the human factors that makes this difficult is that the emotional bottom line perpetuated in our society is we are never good enough, everything is our fault, and only perfectionism is tolerated. If this were not true, we wouldn't have therapists, depression, cults, or even religions. We would love ourselves as God does.

By design, society is competitive. Only one person can get first prize. But that only matters if you compete in that particular way.

If your goal is to feel good, feel genuine self love and a deep love, concern and compassion for other beings, and have that acceptance mirrored by all the goodness that shows up in your life, then there is no competition to lose. You can get out of the adrenaline driven psychology of success and actually succeed.

What is the path of least resistance? How do you escape the embedded patterns that have become normal? How do you float downstream peacefully when someone else is running a whirlpool machine nearby? Or a whole country or the whole world is creating emotional/economic/physical disasters every day?

You can start recognizing a little bit less resistance, more acceptance. For one thing, acceptance means that you acknowledge a situation. Now you can change it. You can change your life direction this way.

What is, is. If you find yourself in turmoil the most important thing is to dissolve the turmoil before you jump into action. Deep breathing, good water, and look at beauty. Go outside if you have a garden, or look outside at some greenery if that is what you can do. Allowing overwhelm to fade allows you to think more clearly. This will assist your active use of The Law of Attraction. Now you can start imagining what you want to be your next outcome, focus your intention, and enjoy your idea.

Savoring, simmering your idea strengthens your vibration of attraction. Now you are on your way because now the universe is responding to your uplifted feeling. The universe is always responding to you. While you watch the stock news, the flood news, the insurance advertisements. Got that remote?

We are brought up to doing something about it NOW! Grab the bull by the horns and get going. Sweat out a plan!

How does that feel? What is the vibration in that attitude? You see where you can slow down a bit, and get into the feeling that you want to deliberately create to be a result of your life actions, even if you do not know the details.

Negative emotions are temporarily motivating. You can instantly identify that this is not how you want life to feel, and take your first deep breath. Knowing that you have The Law of Attraction in constant creation, just say loudly to yourself, "I'm changing this now". If someone is backing you into a corner and yelling what they're saying probably is not important, but keep breathing and keep changing your turmoil that way. When they are done, ask politely "could you please put that in a memo?".

Positive emotions are your key to a deliberately created life! By design of culture, the human factors and current psychology dictates complexity, and tangling with analysis. You may as well fall down a rabbit hole.

The path of least resistance is to be like a little child. Imagine, and FEEL how it could be, to make life better.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Completely Disillusioned - Get Your Edge Back

If you feel like you have lost your edge on the art of deliberate creation, your act of power is to turn away from financial disasters. Get grounded again and recover the vibration, the feeling, the essence of YOU creating a miracle now.

Believe in yourself as your own miracle coach. First of all, small steps.

Exclude the world as much as you reasonably should. Without abandoning obligations cut down on the news and disaster event reporting. Focus on the grounding activities in your life that you have control over.

*** What you eat
*** What you drink
*** What you do for the close people in your life, small things
***What you say
*** Be reliable
***Help others

In an emergency situation like global financial collapse, it's okay to start with the outer if your inner world is just too shaky. Talk positive, and the responses you get from others who are groping for productive thoughts will reinforce your own. Gently guide those around you to thinking more creatively- just a little, not requiring ludicrous leaps of faith. That could keep you so busy that your attention cannot flip back to the "this is so hopeless" kind of mentality.

If you think it is no big thing to have your attention on positive thoughts for three minutes, search "the battle for your mind" and read the results. It's astounding. Your precious mind is being grabbed, hooked, hijacked all the time. It is only YOUR mind if you direct it.

The melodrama of the daily events, as interpreted by attention stealing private interests, in the best of times, is there to distract you from YOU. You who can create a miracle now, with your thoughts and feelings, are being distracted all the time. Who benefits?

You have a self help coach now. You. You have done it before and now you are going to get grounded again, with deep breathing, perhaps meditation, reading your child a story, massaging your partner's back, trimming the roses, taking a walk.

Your mind is your domain. It is your workshop, your miracle place. Because in my opinion, every moment that you govern your own mind IS a miracle. The competition is intense - TV, advertising, etc.

You can makes choices about where you will put your attention most of the time, how you will influence the attention of those around you, and how you will help your partner, children, elders, and neighbors feel better at every given opportunity.

Since you have the Law of Attraction to work with, start wherever you can start. If you cannot make your self feel better right now, make someone else feel better. It's amazing how great someone else's gratitude can make you feel when your own is a little out of reach.

Be your own miracle consultant. The Success Switch can show you how.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How To Avoid Losing A Positive Attitude

It's understandable that your goals for focusing on a healthy motivation for staying positive nowadays may only trigger a feelings of anxiety and helplessness. If your conscious attitude for staying in tune with your visions of success is not working so well, or maybe you are fearing failure, try some easy mind reprogramming.

Understanding that you get what you think about can be scary. While watching a stock report on television, how can you be focusing on your goals for success? It only takes a few minutes of viewing all the disasters in the world before you start feeling anxiety and helplessness. Stop!

One way you can improve the situation faster is to focus on today. Only today. Whether you are reading this at 11:55 pm or 6:00 am, start right now.

Deliberate creation always starts right now. There is no other moment.

Take a long deep breath. Focus on your conscious attitude. However you phrase it to yourself. Go with the flow, paddle downstream, don't push the river, there are many famous slogans you might like. Or something more personalized, scripture based, whatever has been working for you.

What are some daily successes you may experience that you do not really acknowledge?

*** I actually felt relaxed for a few minutes.
*** I really enjoyed that quiet dinner with ____.
*** I love playing the goof with my 4 year old.
*** I escaped listening to my favorite music - whew.
*** The common household tasks created a little harmony and satisfaction for me.

Sometimes experiences like the above list create guilt. Like it's cheating to feel good when the state of the world is Quantum Catastrophe, a horror movie scenario. Guilt! What a concept! Shake it off and move on.

Your time and place of personal power is only ever right here right now. This is when you manifest a miracle. If you're thinking about creating a miracle you're not thinking about the black hole of corrupt banking policies or one man's Ponzi scheme. You are deliberately making good choices right now.

You have miraculous moments every day. Maybe they are too fleeting, so reflect on them. When you have a five minute break, go over the last two hours. What were the best moments? Pick one and savor it a little.

Think about this factor - the professional media environment knows how to get your attention (usually through inspiring fear or terror). How do YOU get your attention back? You MUST have a plan.

Avoid losing the positive attitude you've probably worked long and hard for. Staying positive and enjoying your attitude of healthy motivation, successes and goals, takes moments a day.

Turn on your Success Switch right now!