Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Determined, Persistent, Creative, Resolute

I have made a new habit for 2007. This new good habit is something I used to do periodically, and now I do it daily.

As I drive to work I say to myself, out loud, "Today is a good day because......" and then I list every single big and little thing in my life that is good.

This tends to stimulate thoughts about things that "need fixing". They scroll by as I focus on the good stuff. But I notice them.

Then I choose a biggie, something that is really bothering me, and I Fast Forward (and I credit Esther Hicks with the usage of that phrase)and create the details of the scenario in the IS NOW version.

I don't visualize in the car, because I'm still driving (!) but I get into the feeling, the feeling of the outcome.

It sounds easy - and I get sidetracked into less productive thoughts. But I am determined to do this every day. Being persistent and resolute in this routine brings me to:

"I AM sovreign in every aspect of my life. I feel a deep contentment and ease, and an enthusiasm for my current projects. I have a happy expectancy that there is always more good."

That is the jist of the outcome and its feelings, for me.

Do one for yourself if you like, and get into the frequency and feeling of it. Practise removing your focus from disturbing events and melodrama. Over and over, because there will always be those things for someone somewhere.

I don't mean give up compassion. That is different. Melodrama is sticky, sometimes you have to peel yourself off the magnetism of it, and just float away a little with a very deep breath.

Whatever the good is, there is always more.

Back soon, Dianne

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