Saturday, January 27, 2007

Envisioning the Best For Your Web Site Marketing Strategies

For years I've been studying the power of positive thinking. I won't start listing everything I've studied - and it has all helped. I started with "Think and Grow Rich" a few years ago. I was feeling glum and I saw the title from a streetcar window, on a heap of sale books outside a bookstore. I jumped off the streetcar and bought it for $.25. CDN. It helped move me forward.

In the meantime I kept up with the new and fashionable.

Then 10 days ago I found an older book, "The Power of Alpha Thinking" by Jess Stearn. This edition was printed in 1976.

With the mental overloading and rollercoaster ride of learning internet marketing, I needed some help to best use my 'down time', meaning the time I run away from my computer, screaming. I wanted to do something that would help me absorb all the new data quickly, and give me the courage to keep going!

I also found this book in a second hand store, but a few years having passed since my last thrifty purchase, it was double the price - $.50. US even.

I must say it has helped. I don't know if it is the specific techniques, my personality, or what. But my focus has sharpened, much of the distraction around me has been happily shelved as "background noise" and .....the next few weeks will tell.

The actual steps of the meditational technique were only partially divulged in the book, but you can guess where it is all found.

If you are so inclined, it is good stress handling and can go beyond that.

Just wanted to share....


Business Goals and Opportunities

If you are just beginning to learn about marketing on the internet , so that you can stay at home with the kids, or supplement the income from your day job, it can be overwhelming going into this learning curve. You can start by searching "internet marketing" and you'll be deluged with sites and ads. And there will be a lot of opportunities for the "INSTANT AUTO-PILOT" type of business.

How do you get through all that data? How do you invest your time, money, energy and get the best results? Can you find a safe business with any guarantee of the outcome? There are obvious hypemasters with bright banners and hard-sell pages. It doesn't hurt to subscribe to a list offering a newsletter, free course or report, because you can always unsubscribe. Your patience and perseverance will be needed, in reading and sifting through all the information that can be accessed.
A really excellent business guide that will save you a lot of headaches in learning internet marketing is by Holly Mann. It's not expensive, it's loaded with information, and it is well organized in describing different approaches to making money. You can check it out at this link -

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Communication and Connection On the Internet

I heard from someone I haven't seen for many years in a comment. Hi! Wonderful to hear from you. I love the internet because over the past few years I've found people I taught, I hear from them, I get to see where they're working, dancing, directing and all of that. From York University and the National Ballet School too. I've also found people who taught me... still being brilliant in their new places of work...

Thanks for leaving that message M. I am thrilled to hear from you. Still accompanying dancers?

I love to hear from people!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

RetainingEnthusiasm and Removing the Barriers to Succeeding

A friend told me an interesting story about himself Monday morning. He is pursuing similar studies to my own, and also had started a blog. He e-mailed some friends, they read his posts and gave him warm and positive feedback.

The next day he had writers' block. In fact, he spent the whole weekend working on other projects, he found he had SO MUCH he had to do right then. He felt a lack of interest in writing anything. He felt emotionally removed from his recent enthusiasm and determination, to write once and maybe twice a day. This is a very disciplined person here. He was a little puzzled at his feelings, but kept too busy to think about it much.

After he got to work Monday morning, he had time to sit and think, and he reflected on the lapse of interest in his blog and article writing. He did an exercise I had learned from a Paul R. Scheele course, to feel what you are feeling and acknowledge it. This we often don't do, we keep a feeling hanging around in the background, in our mental waiting room. A faint anxiety may remain, because the message being presented by our feeling is being ignored.

My friend felt that he could not do much better than the writing he had recently done, and discovered that he was operating on a programmed idea that he should always improve upon the last thing he did. If it wasn't going to be better, then he could not proceed.

Having already put forth true effort to write good articles and posts, he just stopped.

This all came to him in a bubble of thought and popped silently, and the various components of the situation orbited around his mental sphere as he examined them. He suddenly remembered a few other projects he had abandoned in the same way, drifting away from them with the same loss of interest.

He felt very invigorated at viewing his syndrome. He now realizes that he doesn't have to follow the rule of improving EVERY time he writes, and that he will improve at a reasonable rate just because of the volume he is putting out.

He has now removed a barrier to his persistence toward success.

I have come to think that many feelings that are less than enthusiastic may be from some old program, and are to be dealt with only for the purpose of moving forward. No labeling is required, just acceptance of them, and observation. Then can come a decision as to whether they have any present relevance.

I am not talking about overwhelming post-traumatic emotion here. I am talking about writers' block and similar conditions such as organizational blocks, time mismanagement habits and that kind of thing.

I thought this was an interesting story, and how he could have just given up his dream of internet marketing, working a business from home, good results, and eventual financial comfort. Instead he gave himself a little time to feel, without judgment, and had a good outcome.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Metaphysical Autoresponder Uses Code - Sometimes Encrypted

I don't mean html. Although the theme of my thoughts this past week has everything to do with the internet, and business. And our great successes.

Recently focusing on synchronicity, the output of thoughts that are about the outcome we want, and the various traditions and new schools of thought that are about US creating OUR lives as we wish, I found myself driving behind an SUV which had a license plate "I MK BLEV".

I have no way of knowing whther the driver was an author of fantasy stories, movies, or a metaphysical minister of some kind. I enjoyed seeing that idea refelcted back to me.

In the holographic mirror/reflection of the physical universe, we need to survive in many ways. Surviving, thriving, succeeding, flourishing, prospering, are most people's goals.

Start where you are and feel it. If you have a feeling of just surviving, not quite thriving, feel the best things about that. List them out loud. And then add to it a little. Okay, you are pretending, you are thriving now. What does that mean to you? Maybe your tedium and grunt work is a little more comfortable, because you are used to it and faster at it. Or, you've accepted it, so you have energy from your former resistance to put into your work, and your play.

Resistance means you just don't want it to be that way. It should not be. You can tell when you are resisting - you're tense, not liking to have to do it. That takes energy, it changes your biochemistry so that you are poisoning yourself with the wrong chemicals, and that perpetuates the resistance, because it actually messes your brain up and everything takes more effort.

Accepting just means that you know the tedium and grunt work is temporary and it's no big deal. When you get into the next stage you will have a new and different tedium, a little more complicated grunt work, but you get the prize of GREAT RESULTS! MONEY!.... And much personal fulfillment "I did that!".

Your thoughts, vibe, and the frequency at which you are transmitting into the Void, (Mind, Universal Field, Quantum Etheric Ocean, The Force) is your code. And you will get code back. Before you see the big results you are looking for, acknowledge the little ones. They matter. They are the signs.

It may just be seeing some of the things you want - material stuff. You are noticing the ads,peoplpe with your wished-for stuff, it'll stand out in the movies. You really notice it now. You don't have it yet. But you can look at it and go "oooohhh.... yeah I love that stuff. It's mine. I can just feel the texture of it, feel its weight, look at that glossy color". Or whatever, according to you.

It sure is better than worrying and resisting. And you get a lot of energy out of it, and it's "just thought". Hah.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Manifesting Success Is A Scientific Endeavor

I have spent considerable time studying the "create your own reality" gurus. The ones I mention in this article are not necessarily the best, as I think that different personalities
are comfortable with different energies. Duh-uh. The authors I mention in this article are simply the ones I am most familiar with.

The scientific aspect is well presented in Bruce Lipton's "The Biology of Belief". A cell biologist, Lipton's personal story of how the observation of a cell inspired him as a young boy, immediately engaged my interest in his book. His studies and research allowed him to OBSERVE that a person's beliefs influence their cells, their state of mind, and the physical outcome they experience.

Also "Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Candace Pert is also about research outcomes in the action of the body of neuropeptides.

If you are sceptical and of little faith, but want to generate more success and good results, give yourself a new start in positive attitude and working smarter, not harder, with one or both of these books.

Other authors in the same area are Deepak Chopra, Esther Hicks, tapes and CD's channeled through Darryl Anka ("Bashar" ) and many more. While seemingly Out There for some, they are talking about the same manifesting mechanism that Bruce Lipton and Candace Pert and others have researched and observed scientifically. Ernest Holmes author of "Science of Mind" talks about the same creativity, written decades ago.

So does the Bible - "as you believe"..... but I'm not an expert on that so I'll just mention that much. If you go for Christian inspiration there is no lack of that. I enjoy Joel Osteen's take on the scriptures - always inspiring.

I hope these thoughts stimulate some inspiring ones for you.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Using The Universal Autoresponder

I was driving to work today and did my out-loud list of good things in my life. I began to reflect on how often I feel content and positive (that means, without WORKING on it). Then I felt a little nervous - if I am content, what if I am forgetting something that needs to be improved, fixed, undone, re-created, initiated - oh my god!

The awareness dawned, that one of my basic premises has been, for many years, that if I feel okay, I must be forgetting or neglecting something, because there is ALWAYS more that must be taken care of. So it is not okay to feel okay - in fact, peace and contentment is the DANGER SIGNAL that something is being missed, perhaps with dire consequences. Well, sheeeesh!

What is your basic premise thought about your internet marketing business? To a newbie like me (or us, if you dear reader, are same) is occasionally encouraging, but mostly overwhelming. Especially if you, like me, do not have long periods of time at the computer, where you get a specific project done from start finish. It can make you crazy.

(Hats off to all the internet marketing moms with small kids at home!) Or dads!

If you do not have your approach organized, you can also waste time and money. Be sure to research for good forums, and check out all the ads you see for the best price hosting services. Also make sure the hosting company's software (most of them offer web-site building software) is compatible with your OS and preferred browser. Read a LOT.

But, back to your MOST AUTHENTIC THOUGHT about what you can achieve with your life, and if you can see, feel, and truly experience your desired outcome, right now so it feels REAL. This will hasten the response from the manifesting mechanisms of the Universal Autoresponder, at least in this sector.

I'm not trying to be cute. If you think this is all woo-woo-woo, take a look at Bruce Lipton's "The Biology of Belief". If you want a truly scientific take on how things happen in your life, you will like this. You can get into the driver's seat in your life as a creator, and still be scientific. I'm sure it's available in your local bookstores.

The universe is THE auto-responder, metaphysically. Whatever you believe and expect, you will get a response back validating that. Always. You are never ignored!

So start today thinking and expressing the thoughts that say "YES!" to your dreams. You'll get to feel it, see it, hear it, however you wish, till it feels REAL.

All the best, Dianne

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Determined, Persistent, Creative, Resolute

I have made a new habit for 2007. This new good habit is something I used to do periodically, and now I do it daily.

As I drive to work I say to myself, out loud, "Today is a good day because......" and then I list every single big and little thing in my life that is good.

This tends to stimulate thoughts about things that "need fixing". They scroll by as I focus on the good stuff. But I notice them.

Then I choose a biggie, something that is really bothering me, and I Fast Forward (and I credit Esther Hicks with the usage of that phrase)and create the details of the scenario in the IS NOW version.

I don't visualize in the car, because I'm still driving (!) but I get into the feeling, the feeling of the outcome.

It sounds easy - and I get sidetracked into less productive thoughts. But I am determined to do this every day. Being persistent and resolute in this routine brings me to:

"I AM sovreign in every aspect of my life. I feel a deep contentment and ease, and an enthusiasm for my current projects. I have a happy expectancy that there is always more good."

That is the jist of the outcome and its feelings, for me.

Do one for yourself if you like, and get into the frequency and feeling of it. Practise removing your focus from disturbing events and melodrama. Over and over, because there will always be those things for someone somewhere.

I don't mean give up compassion. That is different. Melodrama is sticky, sometimes you have to peel yourself off the magnetism of it, and just float away a little with a very deep breath.

Whatever the good is, there is always more.

Back soon, Dianne

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Your Default State of Mind, In Business and In Life

What is your default state of mind? Where does your mind go when it is not directed by an outside force? What program starts running if you don't decide?

I think that's a good point to be aware of. Since we create with our thoughts and associated feelings (or vice versa depending which is the chicken and which is the egg) it is extremely important that we know which tape is running in our head, most often, if we have not directed our thoughts.

Not that we have to pay much attention to it once we become aware. At least, the sooner we can move on to a CHOSEN line of thought, associated with our desired results, the better.

That is, if we know what we want. My experience is, whenever I think I know what I want, or am hearing from another what he/she knows what he/she wants, in any communication, another detail or few gets realized or re-clarified. So communication is good.

I have also discovered lately that the act of speaking out loud to oneself, if one has no one else at the time to speak to, is more creative than thinking. It links the hemispheres of the brain and that's supposed to be a good thing.

So if you have goals and dreams related to prosperity and success in business, do a periodic review of what your default state of mind is.

Are you still enthusiastic? Can you still feel that first feeling of interest you had when you thought "Wow, I could DO this!" If not, recall that feeling right now. Let it get big.

Let it take over! All your logic, study items, lists of things to do and things you need to learn about will all be there in a while. Jump up and down a little. Metabolize at the rate of your enthusiasm. Your body will know you mean it and be able to feed it back to you better, with the right brain chemicals to re-create that enthusiasm again.

Just noticing, just feeling what you're feeling, giving yourself a moment of your time, will feed your intention to succeed. And it may save you a lot of time, money, energy and wear-and-tear on your health. Because taking a moment for that means taking a moment to feed your dreams - your life!

I had a wonderful PEACEFUL weekend in the country. It reminded me of why I am working so hard! The pipes froze and we had no running water and we didn't care.....

Here's to a great week for all.


Friday, January 12, 2007

Persisting Through Tedium to Success

 A little story of the one time I accidentally turned on my positive self talk anxiety.

I remember when I was in my last year of dance training. I had a very exasperating day in class. In fact, I kind of snapped. Somewhere in the middle of a pirouette I decided. "Well, that's it. I'm definitely quitting." I just threw myself through the rest of class, not caring whether it was sloppy or not. It no longer mattered.

My very smart teacher, Nancy Kilgour, knew exactly where I was at. She came up to me after class and said "That is the best class I've seen you do. You really let go and everything looked easy and flowing."

I was shocked. I was ANGRY. I told her I was quitting and I could no longer care enough to struggle and work, with what felt like no reward at all. She said "But if you hadn't have done the years of tedious repetition, the thousands of plies and jetes, the slogging, daily, over-and-over- again WORK, you couldn't throw yourself around in class for an hour and a half and look so good. You could not have that result." Wow.....

So I danced for years.... and the daily grind led to some very good results. The tedium paid off.

So the Tedium is the Medium. That's goofy, but sometimes slogans are needed.

I am leaving the tedium for a weekend in the country..... well earned, I feel. And back to the same-old Sunday evening!

So have a great weekend, be grateful for every moment, especially the tedious ones that lead to the wonderful contrast of the reward.

I recommend a wonderful system of EFT Tapping that shows you how to develop your own positive self talk - decreasing anxiety!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

An Aide To Success

For years I've been studying the power of positive thinking. I won't start listing everything I've studied - and it has all helped. I started with "Think and Grow Rich" a few years ago. I was feeling glum and I saw the title from a streetcar window, on a heap of sale books outside a bookstore. I jumped off the streetcar and bought it for $.25. CDN. It helped move me forward.

In the meantime I kept up with the new and fashionable.

Then 10 days ago I found an older book, "The Power of Alpha Thinking" by Jess Stearn. This edition was printed in 1976.

With the mental overloading and rollercoaster ride of learning internet marketing, I needed some help to best use my 'down time', meaning the time I run away from my computer, screaming. I wanted to do something that would help me absorb all the new data quickly, and give me the courage to keep going!

I also found this book in a second hand store, but a few years having passed since my last thrifty purchase, it was double the price - $.50. US even.

I must say it has helped. I don't know if it is the specific techniques, my personality, or what. But my focus has sharpened, much of the distraction around me has been happily shelved as "background noise" and .....the next few weeks will tell.

The actual steps of the meditational technique were only partially divulged in the book, but you can guess where it is all found.

If you are so inclined, it is good stress handling and can go beyond that.

Just wanted to share....


Do You Have Business Goals for 2007 Too?

If you are just beginning to learn about marketing on the internet , so that you can stay at home with the kids, or supplement the income from your day job, it can be overwhelming going into this learning curve. You can start by searching "internet marketing" and you'll be deluged with sites and ads. And there will be a lot of opportunities for the "INSTANT AUTO-PILOT" type of business.

How do you get through all that data? How do you invest your time, money, energy and get the best results? Can you find a safe business with any guarantee of the outcome? There are obvious hypemasters with bright banners and hard-sell pages. It doesn't hurt to subscribe to a list offering a newsletter, free course or report, because you can always unsubscribe. Your patience and perseverance will be needed, in reading and sifting through all the information that can be accessed.
A really excellent business guide that will save you a lot of headaches in learning internet marketing is by Holly Mann. It's not expensive, it's loaded with information, and it is well organized in describing different approaches to making money. You can check it out at this link -