Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Ironic Poetry of 'It's A Deal or No Deal'

I'm not talking about used cars, or cars here, or the poetry of the Bentley or little Zip car.

I'm talking about how the universe makes a deal, or no deal.

Whichever way, the universe always says yes!

Just as the search engines use key words and phrases to MANIFEST, MATERIALIZE, and have your site (thoughts, contents, ideas, creations, your ESSENCE) SHOW UP, so does your intention, your creation machine, use the main words (ideas, frequencies) you are thinking or being, to search and place your reality into material form.

You place a thought, block of thought, concept, desire, worry, concern, dread, or terror into the empty field of mind, it's like typing your search words into the search engine search box. You hit 'enter' and that word or phrase is launched.

The universal units of motion crawl the holographic ALL THAT IS for matching energies, and during whatever time it takes, indexes and cross-indexes, and mixes and matches, and Lo!

A unit of your reality appears, your search result shows up.

It is a 'deal' or a 'no deal' according to whether you like this result or not. If you're on search engines, and you don't get what you want, you type in a variation of your phrase, a little more specific, getting the exact dictionary meaning in the words you use, and you try again.

All in a half a minute..... and you get a different result, or somewhat different.

But in your own creation machine, eyewwwww...what if you don't like what you get? What if some imagined worst case scenario manifests in real time and space and you spend a few days emotionally reacting, commiserating, blaming, wringing hands or "out damn spot' -ing. I've done it, you've done it! Well, there goes a few precious days between your first breath and your last! Oh woe, let's not think about that......

Is this one of those existential bad jokes? Is your life a mockery? Oy!

No, you have just proven that you have personal power and that you have a creation machine that does not miss the mark!

If you want to do that metaphysical search again, sit back and breathe for a few minutes. What do you really want? Why do business trainers, managers, spiritual gurus and reality kings tell you to make a wish list, set your goals, post stickies all over the place with your favorite inspirational quotes and treasured poetry?

It's to make your metaphysical search engine words and phrases more specific, to help you find what you want, not what you sorta want, or don't want.

Emotions are very hypnotic. I mean the hand-wringing ones. We all have them, and television and movie dramas are there to give you all the support you could ever imagine, and more.

One thing I especially like about Paul Scheele's meditations is that they take you way back from all of that, whether it's the Photo Reading topic or the Genius Code, or whatever. It's like a trip to the country, aahhh. Then there is the film "The Secret" which, after attentive viewing, is the best background noise you could have while chopping wood and carrying water. Play it for a month. As opposed to the news or some other distressing noise.

So to recap, give careful notice to what you are entering into the universal search field. Just mentally type in what you want, every morning as you are waking up. The search engines are vibrating and humming to YOUR tune, so get those happy music lyrics out, along with some inspirational quotes and poetry, add water, and stir!

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