Their psychic powers enable them to blend into society, manifest abundance and prosperity, and exert their mind control over innocent humanity.
Fascination of the super natural could probably be interpreted by psychologists as our own human feeling of helplessness before the tide of events in this world. We feel have no power over events or our own responses to them.
Yet you certainly can use subconcious mind reprogramming to choose your feelings.
Recently, I found myself driving behind an SUV which had a license plate "I MK BLEV".
There's a person using mind reprogramming!
Apparently the human mind is suggestible to an alarming degree. Altered states can be influenced by elevator music, white noise, running water noises, subliminal messages or frequencies designed to change our brain waves, and more.
Reprogram your own mind yourself.
Use the Money Beyond Belief EFT Tapping to:
- find your best positive self talk affirmations
- learn vivid visualization
- choose your feelings
- break bad habits
- understand SMR, subconcious mind reprogramming
It is never too late to start - you always have right now!
Edited 06/24/2015